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"Jesus Christ,He is Lord of all"

"unto him Shall
the gathering of
the people be"

 "We love Him, because He first loved us" 


Gospel Brethren Assembly Adelaide Gospel Hall

We are those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ our Lord for salvation. As an assembly of Christians, we gather solely to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In accordance with Scripture we, along with each local church/assembly, are a fully independent body, accountable to the Lord.
There are other such like-minded churches in the area, throughout Australia and worldwide. Each church is shepherded by a group of elders who are responsible, before God, to the Lord Jesus Christ.
We would welcome you to come to any of our meetings. The members of the assembly participate in worship, study, preaching, teaching and outreach. You are most welcome as a visitor to observe these various activities. Don’t worry, you won’t be asked to participate, although most visitors do enjoy singing the hymns together with us.  We will enjoy getting to know you and often there is opportunity for a chat and a discussion over a cup of tea.

What Do we believe?

We understand that you may be seeking to find a “statement of faith” on this site. Whilst we would tell you that the whole of the Bible is our statement of faith, as it is one body of indivisible and cohesive body of truth, we nevertheless understand that you may want a snapshot of some important aspects of truth that we adhere to. You may wish to download this PDF document which we trust you will find helpful.





We seek with simplicity, by the help of the Holy Spirit, to neither add to, nor take away from the wisdom of God’s pattern for operation and administration of the local church. Our first priority is to please God in obedience to His will and purpose and to know the reality of His presence in our gatherings. As sinners saved by grace, we freely acknowledge the necessity of the ongoing work of the Spirit of God in us, so that by grace, Christ alone might be preeminent and God’s presence known.


The Word of God in its entirety is our guide. As such we seek to study it in dependence on the Holy Spirit to teach us and lead us into all truth, that God might be glorified in His people.  


The church of the living God is the "pillar and ground of the truth". We therefore seek to be active in bringing the truth to our neighbourhood. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and life”, and He announced, “Come unto me”. We therefore preach the Gospel - God’s good news of salvation; how that Christ was crucified, rose from the dead for our salvation and that He is returning to reign. This is a message of love, peace, justice, righteousness and deliverance. We are confident of the life-giving and regenerative power of God in salvation, that gives us a sure and certain hope, present peace and rejoicing.    


It is in knowing this message that we can acknowledge, without hesitation, that we are no better than anyone else. We deserved the judgment of God against our sins and damnation as sinners, but it is our joy to testify of the grace of God which provided salvation. It is through the sufferings and death of the Son of God for us, and through His resurrection that we can have the forgiveness of sins and be born again. If you want to know more about this glorious Gospel please visit our linked website


When we are saved, we continue to know that we have no strength in ourselves. It is the Holy Spirit who individually enables and equips God’s people to serve Him in love. Every member is fitted for service and has a distinctive role to play individually and in the church.

Core Belief - Assembly Brethren Adelaide South Australia
DOWNLOAD Gospel Literature
Gospel - Gospel Hall Assembly Brethren Adelaide South Australia
- Gospel Hall Assembly Brethren Adelaide South Australia
Gospel - Gospel Hall Assembly Brethren Adelaide South Australia
Gospel - Gospel Hall Assembly Brethren Adelaide South Australia
Gospel - Gospel Hall Assembly Brethren Adelaide South Australia
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